
10 Signs That You Are Antisocial !

An antisocial disorder is more serious than it may sound. This condition goes beyond a person simply not wanting to be around others; it is in fact a brain disorder that has a variety of outward signs. It can be difficult to self-diagnose, although many people tend to do that these days. The hallmarks of an antisocial personality could be on display right in front of us, although many of us might fail to take notice of them, which could lead to being harmed by a person who displays these traits. Maybe you are antisocial yourself and are unaware that your behavior could be harmful to those around you. If you read through these signs, some of them may ring true with you. Here are 10 signs that you may be antisocial:

1. An antisocial person has trouble conforming to social norms, and an individual with this disorder will typically be more likely to engage in illegal acts that may cause them to be arrested. They have less regard for laws or observing the rules of society than most other people. Many antisocial people will even end up in jail for significant periods of their lives. Have you repeatedly been in trouble with the law throughout your life? This behavior generally starts in childhood and is often exhibited in school, where you may have been suspended or even kicked out of school for bad behavior.
2. The antisocial personality often displays a reckless disregard for their own safety or the safety of others. Do you take a lot of risks in your everyday life? It could be something as simple as speeding and driving recklessly, without having concern for other drivers on the road and how they might be harmed by your driving habits. Any situation that you find yourself in where you simply do not care about what happens to others around you can be a sign that you are antisocial.
3. If you often show a lack of remorse when you have hurt or mistreated a person, or have stolen from others, you may be antisocial. You may just have an inability to feel sympathy or empathy for others and have no feelings of guilt when you have hurt someone. You may not even notice that a person’s feelings have been hurt, and you generally do not care about this situation.
4. Are you often deceitful? Do you lie and use a variety of aliases? Do you try to con those around you for personal gain? These are all serious signs of an antisocial disorder that are common and easily recognizable.
5. Are you irresponsible when it comes to family, financial matters and work? Do you have difficulty holding down a job or meeting financial obligations? Antisocial personalities tend to shirk responsibility and have a hard time dealing with any obligations at all. You may feel like these things are not worth your time caring about.
6. Are you impulsive? Do you almost always fail to plan ahead? These are also signs of an antisocial personality.
7. If you are often aggressive and irritable, and tend to get involved in a variety of physical altercations, you are likely an antisocial personality. This can be another reason for ending up in trouble with the law. If you have ever been to jail for assault, this could be the result of antisocial personality disorder.

8. Do you bully others? Are you often cruel to animals or other people? Have you been involved in a series of abusive relationships? If you physically and emotionally mistreat people or animals, this is a good indication that you are antisocial.

9. If you have an inability to learn from your experiences and you will not modify your behavior based on problems in the past or what might happen in the future, you may have an antisocial personality disorder.
10. Do you have no regard for, or even destroy, the property of others? This is a major problem, because people need to observe social rules in order to coexist in today’s society. If you tend to lack respect for others and their property, then you are likely going to encounter a lot of trouble in social situations and relationships throughout your life.
If you have several of these traits, there is a good chance you may be suffering from an antisocial personality disorder. There are many reasons and causes that can lead to this disorder, and some of them may be beyond your individual control. Part of the cause could be environmental (how you were raised, where you grew up, your social and home surroundings), while part of it may be genetic. Your family members may exhibit these same symptoms and issues, and if you look at others in your family, you may see similar behavior patterns. But regardless of the cause, it is completely within your control to start dealing with other people in a fair and reasonable manner and to stay out of trouble with the law. It is up to you to make a conscious decision to seek treatment for this disorder and then to make the choice of receiving the appropriate therapy. The starting point is to find a suitable doctor who can provide the appropriate diagnosis.
Once you have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, it is important to make the appropriate personal and lifestyle changes to improve your future. There is no reason that you should have to go through life with a couple of strikes against you, especially when there are many new and effective treatments for many mental health and personality disorders, including this one. It is up to you to want to receive diagnosis and treatment, and to change your life. Most people who are treated for this disorder can improve their outlook with a combination of psychotherapy and medication. If you simply ignore signs of the disorder and remain untreated, you could endure repeated problems in your life, have trouble keeping a job or even end up in jail. If you want to change your outlook for the future, you must take the necessary steps of your own volition.